School Interview Questions | How to Nail Your School Interview

School interviews are an important part of the admissions process for many schools, both private and public. They give schools a chance to get to know you and your child better, and to assess whether your child would be a good fit for their school community.

How to nail your school interview


The best way to prepare for a school interview is to do your research. Learn as much as you can about the school’s mission, values, and academic programs. You may also want to read reviews from other parents and students.

Once you have a good understanding of the school, start to think about what you want to say in the interview. Be prepared to talk about your educational goals for your child, their strengths and weaknesses, and how you support their learning at home. You may also want to prepare a few questions to ask the interviewer.

Common School Interview Questions

  • Why are you interested in our school?
  • What are your educational goals for your child?
  • How would you describe your child’s personality and learning style?
  • What are your child’s strengths and weaknesses?
  • How do you support your child’s learning at home?
  • How involved do you plan to be in your child’s education?
  • Do you have any concerns about your child’s ability to succeed at our school?

Answering School Common Interview Questions

  • Be honest and open. The interviewer wants to get to know you and your child so they can make the best decision for placement.
  • Be specific. Don’t just say that your child is a good student. Give examples of their academic strengths and accomplishments.
  • Be positive. Focus on your child’s abilities and potential.
  • Be respectful. Remember that the interviewer is a professional who is trying to do what is best for your child.

Questions You May Want to Ask

  • What is the school’s teaching philosophy?
  • What are the school’s academic standards?
  • What kind of support is available for students who need extra help?
  • How does the school handle discipline?
  • What kind of extracurricular activities does the school offer?
  • How does the school communicate with parents?

By asking thoughtful questions, you can get a better understanding of the school and whether it is a good fit for your child.

Additional Tips

  • Arrive on time and dress professionally.
  • Bring a copy of your child’s resume or portfolio, if applicable.
  • Be prepared to talk about your child’s academic and extracurricular achievements.
  • Be able to articulate your educational goals for your child and how the school can help them achieve those goals.
  • Be respectful of the interviewer’s time.

Dressing Professionally

Dressing professionally for the school interview shows that you are serious about the opportunity and that you respect the school. It also makes a good first impression on the interviewer.

  • Choose neat and clean clothes that are appropriate for the school’s environment.
  • Avoid wearing anything too revealing or too casual.
  • For men, a suit and tie is always a good choice.
  • For women, a dress, skirt suit, or pantsuit is appropriate.
  • Pay attention to the details, such as your shoes and accessories.

Bringing a Resume or Portfolio

Bringing a copy of your child’s resume or portfolio to the school interview is a great way to share information about their academic and extracurricular achievements with the interviewer. It can also help the interviewer get to know your child better.

Creating a resume or portfolio for your child:

  • Include your child’s name, contact information, and educational background.
  • List your child’s academic achievements, such as honors, awards, and grades.
  • List your child’s extracurricular activities, such as sports, clubs, and volunteer work.
  • Include any relevant samples of your child’s work, such as essays, projects, or artwork.

Following Up

Following up after the school interview is a polite way to thank the interviewer for their time and to reiterate your interest in the school. It can also help you stay top-of-mind with the interviewer.

You can follow up with a handwritten thank-you note or an email. Be sure to mention something specific that you discussed in the interview, and express your gratitude for the opportunity to learn more about the school.

By following these tips, you can increase your chances of making a good impression in your school interview and helping your child get accepted to the school of their choice.

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